May 4, 2018 Homeowner Tips, Lifestyle
The FDA recommends, “Consumers and caregivers should remove expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from their home as quickly as possible to help reduce the chance that others accidentally take or intentionally misuse the unneeded medicine, and to help reduce drugs from entering the environment.”
Link: Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know
“Three out of every five home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms,” according to the National Fire Protection Association. Replace their batteries twice a year so you never forget, but if it starts chirping you should replace the batteries as soon as possible.
Per the National Safety Council, you should place a smoke alarm in every bedroom and in every common area on EACH floor of your house. They also suggest you mount them, “At least 10 feet from the stove to reduce false alarms, less than 12 inches from the ceiling and away from windows, doors and ducts.”
Carbon monoxide can kill. The Disease Control & Prevention recommends you install a battery-operated or battery back-up CO detector in your home. Place your detector where it will wake you up if it alarms, such as outside your bedroom. Consider buying a detector with a digital readout. This detector can tell you the highest level of CO concentration in your home in addition to alarming. Replace your CO detector every five years.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Frequently Asked Questions
The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services encourages everyone to begin preparing their home and family: Identify potential hazards in your home and begin to fix them; Create a disaster-preparedness plan; Create disaster kits for your home and car; Identify your building's potential weaknesses and begin to fix them; Protect yourself during earthquake shaking; After the quake, check for injuries and damage; When safe, continue to follow your disaster-preparedness plan.
Have a home and car emergency kit. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has recommendations that include suggestions like essential food, water and supplies for at least three days and other necessities like medicines in your kit. They also recommend you keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car.
Crummack Huseby is an award winning professional management company, who understands what it takes to create community within the community association’s they partner with. Our successful business partnerships with home builders, developers and homeowner’s associations have brought value to clients throughout Southern California. Our talented and award-winning managers work closely with our clients to determine the specific needs they have - to elevate, inspire and achieve their goals for their communities. If you are interested in learning more about how Crummack Huseby can help your community association with cost-effective daily service management, social and lifestyle management onsite or offsite, and financial/budgeting forecasting analysis << CLICK HERE TO START THE CONVERSATION >>